ASE Services LLC is a leading Full-Service Electrical Contractor in South Louisiana. Our Service department is a top provider of 24/7 on-call electrical and lighting service in New Orleans, the North Shore, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and Gulf Coast areas.
Whether the need is commercial/residential projects, commercial on-demand service, or our growing industrial group, ASE Services LLC has the skilled professionals, the correct parts and the required equipment to fix the problem.
Our Fleet of fully stocked vans and available equipment like mini-excavators, scissors lifts, bucket and derrick trucks, put obstacles aside and allows our teams to get to the solutions quickly and efficiently. ASE Services technicians are specialist in electrical preventive maintenance utilizing equipment and tools like infrared scanners, meggers, and other high-tech diagnosing equipment. Problems can be identified before a project or facility is shut down, which equates to money saved! The techniques used by ASE help our commercial and industrial customers and also plays an important part in keeping them up and running.
24/7 emergency electrician you can trust.
Yes, we offer free estimates for electrical additions or replacements.
We strive to offer the lowest price on the market.
Do you Need Help
With Electrical
Our electrical repair and service options are proudly offered to clients. Give us a call today to schedule a free service estimate!